I like the look of coffee phpbb theme and downloaded it however I find that it takes a lot of time to load and also the icon hover at preloading state takes a lot of time. Does anybody else also have the same problem.
Am I doing something wrong?
Coffee PHPBB theme takes a long time to load.
The coffee phpbb theme is created on the phpbb 3.2 version. I think it is not fully compatible on your system and that is why it is taking a lot of time to load. Check which version is supported by your system and download the themes created on that version. There are many websites where you can download phpbb themes. The following are a list of websites where you can download the themes:
1. http://www.phpbb3styles.net/ – It has a huge collection of phpbb themes which you can download for free.
2. https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/styles-2 – Another website to download free phpbb themes.
Hope this information helps you.