Column Name cannot be blank

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


On the Rack Server Virtualization (MS Visio 2010),using data entry form,I get the below mentioned error when I click on Finish.

This basically happens when grid columns is bereft of any values.

Virtual Rack Addin

“Column Name” column cannot be blank. Please provide any value."

Help required

Answered By 5 points N/A #133242

Column Name cannot be blank

Yes, values cannot be nil. There has to be some value given or else such errors occur in excel, Visio etc.
Very commonly. Programmers usually face the same thing if they leave any variable undefined.
A workaround to add a value of "space".
I mean to say if you really intestinally do not want a value but you keep getting the error because of it then just press spacebar once and that on space will act as your value.
This usually works in programming, perhaps it will fool Visio as well.
Do give it a try.
On the other hand, if this is unintentional and you DID enter all values then recheck your work, there is apparently some value missing.

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