I downloaded Combat Arms from CNET and installed the game that is a multiplayer shooter. On launching it I got the error shown below. What are the causes of such an error?
Fail to update protection modules!-Error code[0x30000030]
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CombatArms game shows error after installation
Here I am going to mention some solution hope this solution will solve your problem:
The error occurs because your Internet Explorer is not working correctly or it is currently offline. Untick the Work Offline option from the File then click Work Offline. If you are still receiving the same issue, re-install Internet Explorer through the Add/Remove option in Windows. Or you can also disable your antivirus program temporarily and your firewall. Lastly, you may also consider uninstalling Combat Arms and then reinstall it again. There might be some missing files that needs to be installed again. So to make it sure, reinstall the entire game.