Comixology for Windows 8 ?

What is this comixology? Is it a tool for windows 8? What for we use this tool ? Where Can I download this ? Is it available for iPhone?

What is this comixology? Is it a tool for windows 8? What for we use this tool ? Where Can I download this ? Is it available for iPhone?
Hello Dear,
Comixology is a newly developed digital comic platform available for phones (iPhone, iPad, etc.)
Now It is also available for windows. It is also available Windows 8 Metro edition release preview.
With its developer tools, reading ability is increased.
Microsoft Crop is the building application of comixology. It is capable of combining designing features fairly. Digital comic adds new era with this developed tool. Consumer can read and also buy the comic through it. Search of comics is also become very easy with the help of it.
Off course it is available for iPhones.
Downloading Link is here:Â
Thanks for your time.
For Windows users, the ComiXology app has been discontinued already and is no longer available for download in Microsoft. According to the page I visited, Microsoft: Comics, the application is still available but to use it you need to upgrade your operating system to Microsoft Windows 10. So for comic lovers out there, Microsoft is forcing you to upgrade to Windows 10 just to download the app.
According to a post published on September 14, 2015 on the ComiXology support page, they have removed and retired the Windows 8 app from download. All of the purchases made by the users are still owned by the users. They can still read on the ComiXology website any time and in their other apps for Android, iOS, and Fire Tablet.
For Android users, I’ve checked the download page at Google Play today at Google Play: ComiXology but unfortunately the app is no longer available. All I see is the logo of ComiXology and nothing else. All information have been removed from the page. For iOS users, you can download it from ComiXology on iOS. The latest version is 3.7.4 for iOS 7.0 or higher.