Commands To Force Group Policy Update Given

I need commands that help me force group policy update on my computer but I don’t have knowledge of any such command that does the work. Guys please help me with this.

I need commands that help me force group policy update on my computer but I don’t have knowledge of any such command that does the work. Guys please help me with this.
The command to force group policy update is-
gpupdate [/target:{computer|user}] [/force] [/wait:value] [/logoff] [/boot]
In this you can set the target as computer settings or user settings but by default both are processed. The force option over looks all the optimizations of processing and then reapplies all the settings. The wait value option is the number of second it takes to finish. The default value is 600. The boot option is for restarting the PC after the process is complete.