Common Hardware Errors And Its Identification
Can someone explain what hardware errors are and explain it to me in a little bit more detail because I would like a bit more understanding of it and how are these errors identified?
Can someone explain what hardware errors are and explain it to me in a little bit more detail because I would like a bit more understanding of it and how are these errors identified?
Hardware components contain error detection mechanisms, that would enable a user to know of these errors and to correct them. So these errors are classified as Corrected errors and Uncorrected errors. Obviously, corrected errors are easier to handle because these errors can be dealt with whereas uncorrected error can prove to be fatal or non-fatal this kind of errors are quite difficult to handle. Uncorrected errors are again classified as fatal. These errors are usually dealt with by the operating system. Non-fatal errors are those from which we can attempt to recover by correcting that error if this error cannot be handled then the operating system deals with the same way it deals with a fatal error
Usual examples of hardware errors would be input-output device errors or input-output bus error reporting or chipset error signals or processor machine check exception. These errors can be found out with the help of status registers, control registers, signaling mechanism used to alert the operating system.