Communication error comes out when sessions times out on Vaadin

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all.

I just got a full IS built on top of the Vaadin/Spring/JPA stack.  Then I ran .jsp pages via Spring security to catch clients logging in and out.  I also found that the session timeout was set aggressively to 7 minutes for security reasons, so users found themselves getting kicked out and having to log in again after the set time.

When we used Vaadin 6.4.8, everything seemed ok.  But after the system-wide upgrade to Vaadin 6.6.2, a weird error came out when session is timed out. Check this out:

Apart from the regular session timeout window (normal, red-sized), we received this one, where loginform.jsp somehow didn’t respond.

Note that this happens only in Firefox browser, other are working as expected.  Any idea about the root of this error?  Help needed urgently. Thanks in advance.

EDIT:   It actually behaves similarly on Internet Explorer (i.e. the error also comes out).

Answered By 55 points N/A #95098

Communication error comes out when sessions times out on Vaadin


You must have a backup of this so that if it went wrong you can roll back to the previous version. So if you don't have the backup proceed below

  • The error that you have mentioned also includes the error exception trace. You can get rid of this trace by doing the following line of code

v-Notification-system p+br+p {display: none;}

  1. Since you have upgraded your vaadin so it is a good time to see and make sure that the things you are using like widgets and themes are also compatible with the new version.
  2. This is also 1 reason of such issues so you have to look in to it.
  3. Some versions don't support old themes and stuff like that.

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