What could be the possible hitches in using my Gupta database password on a Linux environment for the first time after constantly using a Windows platform and how do i ensure that I still have access to the database despite my change of platform using the same password?
Compatibility of gupta database password on Linux transition from Windows platform
I have read your given question and researched for a great answer.
Please try the following procedures for escaping from a critical harassment:
Enter into SqlTalk
If dialog Box prompts for User and Password, click "Cancel"
Don't worry about authentication.You will still be in SqlTalk.
Type the following commands into SqlTalk;
set server <put_your_server_(not_database)_name here>;
Rollforward <put_your_database_name_here> to end;
SqlBase will say some things here. Ignore it
Rollforward <put_your_database_name_here> to end;
Yes, this is the same command as in 4) above executed again.
It can be displayed "The log file 22.LOG could not be found.
Use the RESTORE LOGS command to restore this log and continue the roll forward process.
If this log is not available,use the ROLLFORWARD <database> END command to complete the recovery process." Ignore this also (unless you DO have access to the logs…).
Rollforward <put_your_database_name_here> end;
SqlBase will respond with "roll forward completed" You should now be able to connect to your database.
This is an absolute and unique idea which is effective to recover password in Gupta Database system.
So everybody must follow this procedures. Nobody can use the alternative way.