Hello. I have been using Deskera Accounting software on my pc for a month now, recently, I formatted my pc and opted to use IE8 instead. Problem is when opening the page using the said browser it keeps "loading" and I cannot access the project plan and so on. I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you!
Compatibility with IE8 of Deskera Accounting
Hello, Looks like that the site is being developed using IE7 and it has some features that are not being supported by IE8. IE8 also provides the backward compatibility mode and you can browse a site using IE7 architecture however it is not the 100% same as IE7 but almost 98% compatibility is provided. Please see the below image and it tells about an icon after opening the site to run that particular site in compatibility mode. The icon is being pointed by an arrow.
After you click on the image the website will reload and that icon will be highlighted telling that the site is now in compatibility mode.
For an alternate solution, you can press F12 and a new window will appear and there you can change the browser mode to IE7 and after this window will reload.
If the above does not work then please downgrade the IE version.
Compatibility with IE8 of Deskera Accounting
Deskera Accounting is most updated & mostly used software used internationally in many industry or project. It is compatible with windows 7 & the other recognized operating system. But the compatibility of this software with browsing software depends on different factors. Internet Explorer is also A recognized software for browsing. But the version 8 is not compatible with tis. You can cure this problem by using the others version
Compatibility with IE8 of Deskera Accounting
I do not believe that Microsoft needs to change IE8 so that Deskera Accounting Software can be used on it. Microsoft has defined the DOM / Rules for IE8 and It is Deskera Accounting Software that needs to be changed in order to be compatible with IE8 standards. I am also a Software Engineer and whenever we build any software we make sure that our software is compatible with all versions of explorer.