Computation for shape average cisco

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I want to do some calculation relevant to the shape average Cisco suggest me how can i perform computation for shape average Cisco .

Answered By 0 points N/A #193840

Computation for shape average cisco


Hello Owen,

You have flexibly when Configuring a Cisco router to perform traffic shaping you need to classify packets and apply various traffic shaping policies in different classes.

For implementation traffic shaping for packet output from an interface use this command "Shape [average | peak] mean-rate [[burst-size] [excess-burst-size]]" remember you don't have to set burst-size or excess burst. Window during which BC is sent Class-bases shaping will change its computation for TC depending shaping higher or lower than 320Kbps

BC=8000 bits if rate is <=320Kbps,otherwise shaping rate*Tc

TC=BC/shaping rate if the rate is <=320Kbps, otherwise 25ms

BE=BC always



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