Computer Clock problem always resetting

 How can I fix this ? every time I open my computer, the clock is always reset to the time that i bought it, What is the problem ?

 How can I fix this ? every time I open my computer, the clock is always reset to the time that i bought it, What is the problem ?
The most possible reasons are:
1. The CMOS battery is probably dead.
2. You have cleared the CMOS jumper that erases the settings.
3. The motherboard is defected s it can't save your BIOS settings.
In the above cases, you may need to change your CMOS battery or switch the jumpers to off position so your machine can save the BIOS settings. Or worst is, you need to change your motherboard. Also, ensure that you have set the time to Daylight Saving TiMe (DST).
Hi Wexler,
There is one problem with the computer which is the battery in the Motherboard called CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor).
The procedure for removing is to remove the cover of the computer . In the Motherboard you will see shiny silverish like a penny battery. Ensure you check the way it was placed to avoid putting it in the it was not met to be.
This battery will not affect the other function of the computer but it affect time of the computer.
The battery are available in the computer shops and they are normally known as CMOS.
Once you have changed the battery you must save the setting this mostly is done by pressing f10