Computer hardware and internet problem(windows 7)

I have just purchased a computer for my personal use since I am a new user of computer and I am suffering from some hardware problems.
My personal computer specifications are Hard disk, 40 GB Ram, 1 GB Motherboard, 4 GEGA HERTZ, Tower casing, DVD ROM, I am using the windows 7 in it. And I am also using the internet facility on my personal computer I have taken the connection from a nearby connection provider. I have purchased the pc before one month ago I am suffering form a lot of problems in it some of the problems are related to the software problems but the major problem is related to the hardware.
Most of the time my internet also not works properly I guess there is some hardware issue in my personal computer. First of all tell me about my pc specifications that these are in accordance as per the requirement of internet usage. If these are not related to then please tell me the specifications which I have to built in my personal computer.
Tell me only the necessary specifications which I have to add in my personal computer. I think just one or two time I can’t shut down the computer properly due to the load shedding problem. Other then that I always shut down it properly. My computer usually remain on stand by because I have to do a lot of work regularly on my computer time to time I just shut down it when I go to sleep at night my pc remains on the whole day when I wake up early in the morning.
I am recently suffering from the problem that my pc suddenly begin to restart automatically and in result I lose my important work kindly tell me about the solution how can I remove it?