Computer restart automatically and system failure

Hi experts,
My computer restart automatically after some time. There is no limit,its restart any time in open condition. Some time its show NTLDR missing. How can I solve this problem?

Hi experts,
My computer restart automatically after some time. There is no limit,its restart any time in open condition. Some time its show NTLDR missing. How can I solve this problem?
Hi Madmoore,
This only shows that you needed to re-ghost your pc. NTDLR only means that there is a floppy in the drive that was formatted on a NT based machine. Anyways, this error could be resolve by replacing your damaged file or you need to re-install your system again. Copy fresh files from the CD by using the COPY command. Boot your computer with the use of the CD and enter the Recovery Console; how to do that? On the Command Prompt type the following: (where "x" is your CD-Rom drive letter) where it allows overwriting your old files.
– Asis
Hi Madmoore,
I think this problem is occurring for few days. The reboot problem can be a cause of hardware failure, but as you seem take some time to understand than the system boot file got missing by this time. NTLDR is a boot loader. You can fix it by only using a windows CD. Just you have to choice repair and you will get the option startup repair. The problem will solves automatically.
Also you can choice the command prompt and write the following command to fix the boot loader.
Chkdsk drive: /f
Chkdsk drive:/r
Thank you,
Riley Weaver.