The computer is running slow why?

So you have several computers and all of them started running slowly all of a sudden? Or what exactly is your situation. Are they networked together or are they stand alone? Some of the possible causes as to why your computers may be running slowly are because of the following reasons:
You can just try restarting the computers first before you go ahead with other troubleshooting steps and see if they will be fine.
Thompson Locker
There are a number of reasons as to why a computer can run slow. The first and always to start with is to know exactly how much RAM (Random Access Memory) your computer has. There are different sizes available. The only thing is to know what model your computer uses and then buying the right size for your specific need.
Most motherboards will use DDR or DDR2 memory modules. But some latest models of motherboards are designed to use DD3 which is faster than its precedents. You have to open the inside of your computer/laptop to physically check what type of memory your motherboard uses. By the look of your eyes, its not easy to know whether you are using DDR or DDR2 memory until you align both DDR and DDR2 alongside each other.
All the same there is free software available for download that extracts most of the system’s information and describes for you what you RAM type you need to upgrade your computer. Its available he (
The other reason why your computer would run slow is because of viral infections. Run a full antivirus scan and clean any infected files.
Also, try a disk cleanup and disk defragmenter and your computer could speed up. Regards.