Computer temperature reports high what could have caused the issue

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

When I checked my computer temperature reports in several utilities, the turnout was inconsistent. Can you please give me insights as to what caused this irregularity? Could it be an external device that was plugged in to the machine?

Best Answer by gaurav3282
Answered By 0 points N/A #112180

Computer temperature reports high what could have caused the issue


Hi Pandora,

Possible cause of your computers irregularity in temperature may due to hardware or software. In terms of hardware, the bigger your hard drive and RAM, it will generate more heat. They are capable of processing more stuff but the downfall is, more stuff = much faster and your hardwares are working harder. This results in more heat = higher temperature. It may also mean that you have a malware in your system that makes your whole system works double. Just make sure your fan is operating properly and that your fan is free from dust.

Hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #112182

Computer temperature reports high what could have caused the issue


The computer temperature may be increasing because of the hardware changes that you have done to the computer. For instance if you ever happened to replace the processor, then it is possible that the extra heat is either being caused by the new processor that you installed or it may be that you have potentially affected the airflow through the system while installing them.

Check to make sure that you are not using a RAM capacity very low or too high as compared to the standard of the system, for that too may be a possible cause of the computer overheating.

-Keegan Robb

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #112183

Computer temperature reports high what could have caused the issue



Computer temperature can normally go high if there is a program running which might require too much resources.For example if a particular pc with Core 2 duo,2 gb ram,500 gb hd and Gt 240 GPU is used for editing videos on sony vegas then it will use all the resources which are available.Then system usage will become between 50-80% or may be 100%.Such kind of softwares usually require higher system configuration.But system temperature can also rise due to some bugs.For example Google chrome sometimes crashes and causes system temperature to rise.Or else it can be any kind of games which are heavy and require more system usage can definitely rise up the computer temperature.There are several different programs which make the CPU usage according to their requirement.So you just need to ensure that which program you are running and what is the configuration of your system according to that program.Hope this helps!

thank you


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