Computing the Total Frame Frequency

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I need help on computing frame rate. The situation is, if multiplexor A and B will integrate to sum up 100 Kbps channels by using a time slot of 4 bits and each frame produced from A and B with 16 bits and frame in C is 32 bits, what is the total frame rate for this? I’m calling for help.

Thank you.

Answered By 55 points N/A #96983

Computing the Total Frame Frequency


There is a bit of a problem that whether you want to calculate the cumulative frame rate of all the three entities A B C. But whatever you do I think the following thing is for you:

  1. First of all convert the 100 kbps in bits by multiplying it first with 1024 to convert it to bytes and then multiply with 8 to convert it further again into bits so the answer for this is 819200.
  2. After that you said that the time slot is of 4 bits, so divide the answer with the time slot measurement and the answer will be 204800. Now divide this figure with 16 bit two times to get the frame rates of A and B separately. After dividing we get 12800 answer.
  3. Now remember it is in bits so we have to convert it again into bytes by 8 and then dividing with 1024 again. So the answer is 1.5625 for each A and B. Add it two times and you will get the total number of frame rate which will be 3.125.

To calculate C do the same by using 32 bit in the 2nd step and divide the 204800 with 32 bit.

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