What brought about or is the rational behind the programming of Virus and spyware in the Computer World? Are there any challenges that Virus programmers go through? I am a student in one of the Second Cycle Institutions in Ghana. I am a science student and I hope to become a computer scientist one day. Thank you.
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The conception of virus and spyware in the computer world
Being a Computer Scientist is a good choice. The concept of creating virus is quite a great subject.
Virus is a program that used to exploit in one system that will work in a right way but do bad works, such as, crash the system, steal data and pass it to any attacker’s server and much more. Well, creating virus isn’t so easy but very easy in several systems.
There are many open-source OSs that give the source code that was used to create the software. One can easily identify the leakage of the OS and exploit any virus. But it’s not so popular as there’s no credit to make viruses for those OSs that shows everyone how they’re built. So, hackers and virus developers target the closed-source OS like Windows, Mac etc.
Windows is the mostly vulnerable OS that keeps the users in risk of their data. But if you’re tricky enough, you can easily prevent those. Open-source OS like Android is also very much vulnerable as it’s very popularly used and chance of getting the required data from targeted is easier.
In order to prevent virus, you must learn how to create virus. It’s the first step to learn creating virus because only after you’ve learned of the working system of your created virus, you can get a fix to the leakage of your OS quite easily. That’s what the antivirus developers do. They also collect information from their thousands of users and depending on the information’s statistics, they develop newer updates.
Normal users can keep almost 90%-99% safe by using any good antivirus. If you wish to study virus development and their prevention, I offer the knowledge I knew stated above.
Hope your grand success!