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Posted on - 01/27/2012
I am looking for help to use RRAS server which can act as router for the test purpose. So, I can connect my laptop through it without connecting to the modem. I have tried some tricks but no use. Please I request for somebody to help me in doing this. I will be thankful for all your help. Thanks in advance.
Configuration of RRAS servers to act as router
More than just file sharing and Web site hosting, Windows Server 2003 can do much. You can configure your Windows Server 2003 system to act as a router using the Routing And Remote Access Services (RRAS) component, you need to have multiple network adapters on different subnets for this to work
Follow the steps to set this up:
1. Start RRAS by going to Start -> All Programs ->Administrative Tools ->Routing And Remote Access.
2. Locate the server in the left-hand pane, and right-click it.
3. Select Configure And Enable Routing And Remote Access from the shortcut menu. This launches a wizard.
4. On the first step of the wizard, select Custom Configuration, and click Next.
5. On the Custom Configuration page in the wizard, select the LAN Routing option.
6. Click Next, and click Finish.
In the RRAS window, right-click the server, and select Properties. On the General tab, you'll see the Enable This Computer As A Router option selected, along with the Perform LAN Routing Only option. On the IP tab, you'll see the Enable IP Routing option selected.
You may need to reconfigure your clients to use this server as their default router depending on your network topology.
I hope this can help.
Configuration of RRAS servers to act as router
This is ok now. The problem is solved. I had to reconfigure clients to use this server. Thanks Expert techyv.