Configure hMAil Server with Windows 7

I don’t have an idea on how the hMail Server works so can you please help me on how to configure it on Windows 7?
Thank you.

I don’t have an idea on how the hMail Server works so can you please help me on how to configure it on Windows 7?
Thank you.
Well first you need to download hMailServer to your system and have it installed.
Download page is right here:
Make sure your system passes the system requirements for hMailServer. Its latest version is hMailServer version 5, you mentioned that you have Windows 7, it's actually not one of the supported operating systems.
Check out the system requirements here:
That said, you can just have a Windows XP virtual machine installed into your Windows 7 machine if it's at least a Windows 7 Professional version.
You can get Windows XP Mode here:
Just go through the installation windows and finish the installation. Then make sure your DNS server is configured correctly.
For help on configuring the server, you can refer to a detail help guide from their website:
If you are not using the latest version, download the latest version from hMailServer 5.4.2 Quick Download or hMailServer Download Page. hMailServer 5.4.2 supports Windows 2003 [all editions], Windows 2008 [all editions], Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 [all editions]. Support for Microsoft Windows 2000 has been drop because Microsoft already ended its support.
Once downloaded, uninstall your current hMailServer application then run the installer for hMailServer 5.4.2. Once the installation is complete, the next thing to do is to start the hMailServer Administrator. Start hMailServer then select “localhost” in the Connect dialog box and then click Connect. Enter the main password you provided during the installation and click OK.
Once this is finished, hMailServer Administrator is now started. An hMailServer domain must be connected to an internet domain especially if you have your own internet domain like for example, To add your domain to hMailAdmin, start hMailAdmin. Click “Add domain”, enter your domain, for example, as the domain name and then click Save.
Once the domain is added, the next thing to do is to add accounts to the server. The normal setup is to create one account for every email address to be able to send and receive emails. For example, to add the email address [email protected], start hMailAdmin then expand Domains on the left. Select the domain then click “Add account”.
Enter without quotes “webmaster” as the account address then set the password and then click Save. For the rest of the configurations, please visit hMailServer Documentation.