Our company wants to configure a remote boot port for rebooting the dedicated servers just in case for emergency purposes. Can anyone tell me of any hosting company that is easy to use and allows managing our multiple dedicated servers for rebooting through one web interface?
Configure a remote boot port
The DHCP server is must be installed in the network that needs the remote Boot Service. To initiate communication between the PXE client device and the remote Boot server, you need to install it which will allow the client device to retrieve the necessary image information. The list given below shows what the DHCP requirements are on the remote Boot Service. The DHCP server has to be configured through a static IP Address. The DHCP server should be assigned to the IP address range.
You must enter Exclusion ranges for every device on the network that doesn’t support DHCP. You also need to create IP address reservations. At the same time, if you want to configure Remote DHCP and Boot service to reside in similar servers, you have to configure the Remote Boot service to correspond to each other by using a port that doesn’t differentiate with DHCP. The use of DHCP Port (67) option is not chosen From the Remote Boot manager device. You have to also configure DHCP to consist of the server option 60.
There are some examples below about configuring DHCP that includes server option.
1. Go to C:WINDOWSsystem32>netsh
2. Type netsh>dhcp
3. Type netsh dhcp>server \<server_machine_name>
4. Type netsh dhcp>add optiondef 60 PXEClient String 0 comment=PXE
5. Type netsh dhcp>set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient
6. Type netsh dhcp>exit
If you want to arrange PXE and DHCP to reside on separate servers, you also have to configure the Remote Boot service, which will communicate with DHCP port 67. You also have to confirm that the use of DHCP Port (67) option has been selected From Remote Boot manager tool. The option 60 should not be included server on the DHCP server if DHCP and PXE exist on separate servers.
Thank you.