Configuring the Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus with IIS

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

We have a scenario like our web application is hosted in the Cloud and the database is in the cloud as well as On Premise. The application takes some data from the Cloud database and some confidential data from On Premise database.

To get the data from the On Premise database we have created a WCF service.

Now we need to integrate the WCF service with Windows azure app fabric service bays so that secure communication between Cloud application and On Premise database can happen.

For this we need to configure the App fabric Service Bus with IIS.

How do we do that?

Do we need any specific ports to be opened?

Thanks in advance.

Answered By 10 points N/A #80151

Configuring the Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus with IIS


Hi There,

The main root cause of your problem is that most probably the Application pool was unable to access proper credentials to pass server or premise database. You can follow below procedure to access and have secure communication within the premise database.

First is to open IIS Manager, see below figure how to open IIS Manager and Windows version;

Starting IIS Manager for IIS 7:

You need to be logged on as one of the Admin group on local PC to do the following steps below.

Note: If the User Account Control or the UAC is enabled on Windows Server 2008, you might be prompted with a message when accessing IIS Manager. Just click Continue.

To launch IIS Manager from the Run dialog box:

1. Click Start> All Programs> Accessories> Run.

2. Type inetmgr in the search field and click OK.

To launch IIS Manager from the Administrative Services console:

1. Click Start> All Programs> Accessories> Run.

2. Type Control Panel in the search field and click OK.

3. Click the Classic View in Control Panel and then click on the Administrative Tools.

4. When the Administrative Tools window opens, double-click on Internet Information Services.

 To start IIS Manager for IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0:

You need to be logged on as one of the Admin group on local PC to do the following steps below.

To launch IIS Manager at the Command Prompt:

1. Click Start then Run.

2. Type inetmgr in the search field and then click OK.

To launch IIS Manager in Windows Server 2003:

Click Start and then Administrative Tools. And then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

To launch IIS Manager in Win XP:

1. Click Start and then go to Control Panel.

2. Switch to Classic View in Control Panel.

3. When the Administrative Tools window opens, double-click on Internet Information Services.

To launch IIS in Windows 2000:

Click Start and then Administrative Tools. And then click Internet Information Services.

Second is configuring your IIS Manager Credentials;

1. Add new AppPool credentials. Note that if you accessing a domain use your Active Directory certificate. If not joined a domain then use local machine Admin certificate e.g. Server name, Username and Password. Below is the detailed figure Step 1 to 5.

2. After entering the needed credentials, set up your IIS Application then Create Cloud Application pool or a database which you wish to integrate.

3. Always reset the IIS or otherwise the new setting you wish to integrate will not take effect on your system.

These changes will surely work seamlessly on your preferred server settings.

Best Regards,
A. Wright

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