I have created a project in Java and when my script saves a number I have this error with Adobe Illustrator. This error appears with random numbers and I don’t know how to solve it. Does anyone can help me to solve the error with Java and Adobe Illustrator? Please explain me why I have this error? Regards!
The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANT ]
Conflict with Java and Adobe Illustrator
I don’t know what Adobe Illustrator has to do with your Java project but if you extend a command in your program that fire up Adobe Illustrator then there must be something wrong with your coding. You should check your Java coding again and verify each line of the codes. But if your project has nothing to do with Adobe Illustrator and it doesn’t accesses it in any form, try reinstalling Adobe Illustrator.
If there are other Adobe products installed other than Adobe Illustrator, uninstall them as well and make sure no Adobe products will be left installed. If you have Adobe Flash Player and or Adobe Flash Player ActiveX, just leave them installed since they are only used on the web. Once all Adobe products are removed, restart your computer, and install Adobe Illustrator.
Open Adobe Illustrator and see if you will not get any error. If it is successful, install the other Adobe products you previously removed.