CONFUSING points for a young computer intern

A '''program''' is what a computer runs. Unless it's turned off or halted, a computer is ''always'' running a program. A single program may exist in multiple files.
'''Software''' is a program or set of programs that reside in main memory. This is different from '''firmware''', which is a program or set of programs that reside in non-volatile memory, such as flash ROM.
Program is a specific kind of software, whereas software is just the general term.
Program is source code + object code, whereas software is documentation + source code + object code
Program is set of instructions, whereas software is set of programs.
Occasionally you will hear the terms program and software used interchangeably but there are distinct differences between the two.
A program is a (or any) set of instructions designed for a computer to complete a specific task. Generally, you can think of a program as a set of instructions written in a programming language. Computers run programs and programs can exist in multiple files. A computer, that is powered on and not halted, is always running a program.
Software is a set of programs, data, files, and other associated resources designed for a computer to complete a task. The term software also refers to the procedures and documentation associated with the set of programs, data, and files.