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Posted on - 09/05/2011
Hi guys, please tell me why this error appears when I try to connect mac operating system with server. If I try to access for sharing If I try to access to a specific share on it seems to work but going to the server then box appear and say with me for authorization and when I insert credentials the it fails also don’t appear any list of shared folders. I also describe all detail in original words so that you can understand nature of the problem easily.

Connecting To Server
Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred.
(Error code -50)
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Connecting To Server (Error code -50)
I think this error occurs may be because of Mac OS X character validation. Mac OS allow you to use some special character for file or folder name and other rename sector. But Microsoft Windows con not allow these special characters for file or folder name. This is a benefit of Mac os.
But this benefit has a problem. It may cause this type of errors. In Microsoft Windows you can use these characters but there is a protocol for it. Mac does not have that type of protocol. This error occurs when you are trying command to open or copy a file, which have this type of file names using these special characters.
Rename these files or folders and do not use (? [ ] / = + < > ; : " , | *) these characters in order to solve this error.