Connection timeout error appears for iMac

Asked By 640 points N/A Posted on -


My Internet just stopped connecting. An error, "connection time out" keeps on appearing whenever I link up my iMac to the internet, even though my WEP is correct.
I tried to shut off my router and restart my PC, in order to see if that was the problem but it wasn't. Because my airport seems to execute properly.
Please help me. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Answered By 0 points N/A #84366

Connection timeout error appears for iMac



There can be many solutions related to your exact problem. Will try to list some and hope they work for you.
First Solution
  1. Using bootcamp, try booting into Windows.
  2. Connect to your desired network.
  3. Try repairing the network by right clicking in the wireless icon, on the task bar and then select the repair option.
  4. Get back to Mac Os 10.6.4 by booting.
Second Solution
  1. Find system prefs.
  2. Try opening the network at the bottom check + – sign, and you’ll find little wheel with  an arrow click on it. 
  3. Order the Airport so that it is on top, and change to "Make Service Inactive" by click on Ethernet and click + – at the bottom.

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