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0 points
Posted on - 01/02/2012
When I tried using a broad telecommunication connection to access Remote Desktop, the network prompts me that connection is unsuccessful and that particular location might be unavailable.
Are there steps that I missed since I am using Windows XP and my terminal server is under Network Address Translation?
Please let me know on how I can successfully access the Remote Desktop.
Answered By
0 points
Connection is unsuccessful and that particular location might be unavailable
First of all, if it is your home computer you are trying to connect through remote desktop, you have to make sure the following.
Your computer must have a public IP assigned by your Internet Service Provider.
To check your computers IP address Open Control Panel >Network Connections
Right click on Local Area Connection and choose properties. Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 and note down the IP address. anything that starts with 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x is NOT a public IP address. If you do not see any IP address there, In this case, either you have a proxy server or NAT between your ISP and your computer or your broadband modem/router is getting the public IP and the IP address for your computer is provided by the modem/router.
You can use dynamic dns (DDNS) to connect to your home computer if you do not have a public IP assigned to your computer.
The easiest way to get over proxy or NAT issues is to use free tools like TeamViewer or VNC to connect to your computer remotely through internet.
TeamViewer can be downloaded freely and its free for personal use.