I have WiFi connections available on my pc, but I am unable to connect them.
I have the access point proxy as well but no matter how much I try it is not working.
My laptop pc is WiFi supported so there should be any problem with it either.
Should someone know of this problem please kindly inform me.
Arnold Huang
Connections available but unable to connect via wireless system
Consider several points to this issue.
The simple things are more often overlooked and taken for granted.
First thing to do, make sure that your wireless network hardware is functioning and turned on.
Try to connect to several sites at a time. If you're only trying one, you will not realize that it might not be actually a problem with the connection but it's the site that's got some issues.
Determine whether there is an existing IP address conflict. If there is another network having similar IP address as yours, it can hinder you from working online. Change your IP address immediately.
Temporarily disable firewalls. They may be the cause of the problem.
You might have been blocked by your internet service provider for some reason. Try to check it out.
Try resetting the router.
Check for malwares. Reboot the pc if found necessary.
If you want to obtain comprehensive information on these solutions, go to this link