Consequence of users permissions as one or more groups member

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What happens when a User receives permissions in their own right and as member of one or more groups?

Answered By 0 points N/A #117028

Consequence of users permissions as one or more groups member


When any user is assigned to a group then the permissions of the group are incorporated into the permissions of the user. However if the administrator wants to provide additional permissions to a particular user, say the group leader, it is possible. In Linux the permissions are changed by the chmod 777 statement, where 777 means all permissions.

4 read
2 write
1 execute
First 7 for user then next 7 for groups then next 7 to others.
7 means all permissions : read + write + execute = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7.
If you need only the read and execute permissions then you give read + execute = 4+1 = 5 instead of 7.
Thus you may change the permissions of the group as well as the user at the same time.

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