Convert Ordinary Telephones to IP Telephones

Hello! I’m just wondering if it is possible to convert Ordinary Telephones to IP Telephones or is it possible to use online calls through ordinary telephones. Is there any way to do this?Â

Hello! I’m just wondering if it is possible to convert Ordinary Telephones to IP Telephones or is it possible to use online calls through ordinary telephones. Is there any way to do this?Â
Thanks for your questions. I'll try to my better solution.
There are many telephone sets are available for IP phone (those are specially form for IP phone) but you can used your ordinary telephone set for IP phone. One device is required to convert ordinary telephone set to an IP phone set. The device name is ATA (analog telephony adapter, or analog telephone adapter) that connect analog telephones to a digital telephone system. Generally, An ATA consist of at least one Foreign exchange Station and an Ethernet jack. There are various protocol such as H.323, SIP, MGCP, SCCP or IAX are exist those are used an ATA to communicates with the server. There are no needs a personal computer or any software such as a softphone.