Convert video for mobile format

How could i will understand and sure that what kind of format needed for different mobiles?
Because a different kind of mobile needed a different type of video format.

How could i will understand and sure that what kind of format needed for different mobiles?
Because a different kind of mobile needed a different type of video format.
Hi Douglas,
Almost every mobile phone capable of playing videos in the planet can play the 3GPextension because it is designed to be played on mobile phones. the newer models of phones will also play MP4videos since those are the first two video containers to be played on mobile phones.
The newer mobile phones with a great hardware capabilities can play another video formats by using either hardware or software decoding which makes it able to play AVI, MKV, MPG, and many other containers.
But if you are not sure what to convert to then you can choose the 3GP since it will work on almost every mobile phone with video playing capability. But also note that 3GP is a low quality video and your second best choice is MP4.
Hope this helps.
The most common video formats that a mobile phone can play are 3GP, AVI, MPG, and MP4. The FLV flash video format may not be supported on older phones. If your handset is brand new and you don’t know what kind of videos it can play, the best way to check it is from the manual of the phone.
The manual always lists all the video formats that the phone can support as well as the screen size or resolution of the handset’s screen. If in case, the manual doesn’t include the supported video formats, you can always check it online or from the official homepage of your device. Just make a search for your handset’s model and brand and you will be able to find the information.
A little experimentation can also help but can take some time. You can let your friends send you different videos in different formats via Bluetooth and try playing them on your device. This way you can instantly check which formats are working and which are not.