Converting a printer file to an Excel format

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I need help regarding printer files, is there any way of converting printer files to Excel (2003, 2007,2010) file format? Can this be done by using "Convert XLS" software?


Best Answer by Riley weaver
Answered By 0 points N/A #173399

Converting a printer file to an Excel format



Yes of course printed files can easily be converted to  excel  format, first  in all scanned the printed file and copy to your destination drive or folder  then  now a days  very famous software is used for a file converter called (Universal Document Converter) please download and install this it is very easy to use.  

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #173400

Converting a printer file to an Excel format



Hi there,

I think using convert XLS can work out if the file is pretty simple excel file. I would like to suggest you to use any online software to do this work because online software will be able to give you more convenient result that you are looking for. But before using any of that please read all the comments or feedbacks.

If you have time in your hand then it will be better to use MS onenote and convert to text from the image and then rearrange it in your own way. If you do so you will be sure about your work and you just have to do is copy and paste.

Best regards,

Riley Weaver.


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