Copy files from Win. 7 to Linux
I have two OS running. Windows 7 and Linux. I want to copy one file from Win 7 to Linux. How is this possible?
I have two OS running. Windows 7 and Linux. I want to copy one file from Win 7 to Linux. How is this possible?
1. boot into linux      # i use backtrack
2. mount the windows partition to linux file system hierarchy.
  ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
if you use distribution other than backtrack then you should install first a program called ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs
for debian and ubuntu based: apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfsprogs
for redhat: yum install ntfs-3g
3. copy files
   cp -av /mnt/sdb1/somefiles ~
Copying file from Windows 7 to
Linux is very easy.
First, in your file system go to /host.
Then go to /Users folder and then select your user name for Windows 7.
After that you will see all your typical files in Windows like your Pictures, Documents, etc.. Now  copy it to your Linux. Very simple!