Copying my Sling Shot video to a DVD – Error encountered!

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Hello! I have a program that allows me to obtain video files efficiently, so I tend to use it whenever I need to. I used this program to get the latest episodes of Desperate Housewives for my sister, who is a very avid fan of the TV series. The video files I obtained were in the .avi format, and I was able to create a perfect copy of the files on a DVD using the program.

A few days ago, I attended a festival and went on a ride called the Sling Shot by the Thrill Masters (email: info@******m*** They gave me a copy of my video on a USB jump drive, and I also wanted to make a DVD copy of it, but when I attempted to run the program, it gave me this error:  Internal Software error:VobulatorBlockPlannerBlockPlanner.cpp, Line 234. When I tried to make chapters and menus and to preview the video on 1ClickDVD, it seemed to work like before, which probably means that the program played through the video. The video also cannot play in any player except in VLC.

The file is a three-minute video with audio, and its size in the USB jump drive is 136MB. When I first tried to launch the video on 1ClickDVD, it created the menus and transcoded the file, then it would return the error: Internal Software error: VobulatorBlockPlannerBlockPlanner.cpp, Line 234.

This is the first time that the program has ever acted like this, and I have no idea how to fix this.  What should I do? Thanks for helping, everyone.

Best Answer by Iamexpert
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Answered By 0 points N/A #100960

Copying my Sling Shot video to a DVD – Error encountered!




The problem you are telling is somehow look like the software is not working properly. There are many options to solve this situation and there are many options of occurring this problem like your software is not working properly or you encoding the file which may not supported or your certificate has been expired or your software has been corrupted. The things I can suggest you is re-install the software again and then check whether this is working or not. If not then find another software version download that version and install that version. If still it is not working then re-install the multimedia players and then check if it works or not. If yet not solved the problem then you need to re-install your video and audio driver may be your audio video drivers are not up-to-date. Hope this sort of solution will help you get out of this problem.

Answered By 0 points N/A #100962

Copying my Sling Shot video to a DVD – Error encountered!


Hello, I have reinstalled the software including the drivers. The program seems to be working well at the moment. Thank you so much for your help expert. Techyv has really helped me with my problems.

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