Asked By
kevin rith
20 points
Posted on - 12/10/2012
Hello experts! I'm a little wary about this div in my personal webpage. I want to be able to let users zoom in particular div. Could I be able to zoom in div javascript used as a scripting language? If yes, could you please provide me with sample codes? If not, what would you suggest to accomplish this?
Could I be able to zoom in div JavaScript?
You can write up codes in different ways for zooming in and out divs in a webpage. A simple code can be as shown below.
<script type="text/javascript">
var PreferredWidth = 700;
var PreferredHeight = 550;
var PreferredMainContentWidth = $('div#maincontent').width();
var PreferredBlueboxMiddleWidth = $('div.bluebox:first div.middle').width();
function zoomObject(pos,slider){
var newWidth = Math.ceil( pos*PreferredWidth/100 );
var newHeight = Math.ceil( pos*PreferredHeight/100 );
if( newWidth < PreferredBlueboxMiddleWidth ) {
$('div#maincontent, div.bluebox:first').css({'width': PreferredMainContentWidth+'px'});
$('div.bluebox:first div.middle').css({'width': PreferredBlueboxMiddleWidth+'px'});
} else {
$('div#maincontent, div.bluebox:first').css({'width': (newWidth+30)+'px'});
$('div.bluebox:first div.middle').css({'width': (newWidth)+'px'});
$("#flashobj").css({'width': newWidth+'px','height': newHeight+'px'});
Thank you.