Could not open my Drive E
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400 points
Posted on - 06/11/2011
I'm having this error every time I insert a USB Flash Disk, CD/DVD or any external storage that has a USB cord with it.
"The file does not have a program associated with it for perform this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel."
This also occurred when I am attempting to open picture attachments on my Outlook Express and other emails. A site advised to run an antivirus but it pulled up nothing. I want to know how I can create an association in the folder options control panel.
I tried using the USB disk to other computer and it works well. I searched on my computer for the folder options and found it by right-clicking My Computer then Explore then on the Tools tab I hit the Folder Option but I don't know what to edit or what to change in the settings to fix the error. Maybe this happens after an installation of Updates from Microsoft.
Because I can very well access all this without having problems before the updates. I am using Windows XP Service Pack 2 32-Bit OS.
I want to know a procedure on how to stop this error from appearing.
Please help me on this.