Whenever logging in with the details such as my name and other required information, IW4 is not getting opened.
Now I need your help to get rid of this. Can anyone here help me?
The error message is as shown below;
Could not reach the fourDeltaOne.net server. Error code from CURL 7.
Please Help me.
Could not reach the fourDeltaOne.net server. Error code from CURL: 7.
hi Joycedparker,
The problem you're having could be related to any of the following:
1. A firewall may be blocking or limiting your internet connection. To work around this, you may add the .exe file of IW4 to them list of exceptions in your antivirus/firewall. If that doesn't help, try disabling/turning off your firewall/antivirus altogether.
2. You may have a bad internet connection. Are you using a router? Try hard-wiring your computer so you can get a strong internet connection. If you are confident that your internet connection is good, then try contacting your ISP to see if they are blocking any connections to your computer.
3. The IW4M server is offline or under maintenance. You can check that by logging on to the following link: http://s.mufff.in/status/. If this is the case, there's nothing much you can do about it except wait until it is back online.
If you none of the above mentioned methods resolve your concern, you may also try a system restore. There could be an update to your OS, antivirus, or other applications that caused incompatibility issues. Try restoring your computer settings to a date when you are sure you were still able to log in.
Hope this helps.
Could not reach the fourDeltaOne.net server. Error code from CURL: 7.
I think you are logging in to the site from a client application somewhat similar to Yahoo! Messenger, Skype, and others and not from a web browser because you won’t get this error if the action was done from a web browser.
That’s because using a web browser to log in to your account, the site needs to be loaded first before you can actually log in to your account. And of course, the site will not be displayed if its offline and therefore you will not be able to log in and you will not receive that error.
Since it’s from a client application, make sure first that the site you are trying to log in is actually online and not under maintenance because you will really not be able to enter the site.
After checking the site, I learned that I’m actually right because it’s an online gaming site where games are usually accessed from a client application to play the game.
To try fixing the problem, visit FourDeltaOne and then download “IW4M” or “IW5M”.
I think you are using an older version of the client that doesn’t support or doesn’t have access to the latest servers available.