Could not source “$VIMvimrc” error message
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10 points
Posted on - 08/10/2011

I have VIM installed on my Vista machine. From the time I have installed this software, I have been getting error messages on my PC.
Whenever, I start the application, I get the following error message. I rebooted the machine and tried it but it is the same. At times this error message pops up on my desktop even before I initialize the start up.
I could not find much in the web. Can someone help me with this error message?

could not source “$VIMvimrc”
could not source ”$HOME_vimrc”
not found in ‘runtimepath’: “ftdetect/*.vim”
could not source “$VIMgvimrc”
could not source “$HOME_gvimrc”
could not source “$VIM_gvimrc”