Asked By
1200 points
Posted on - 07/14/2011
Hi techyv people,
I am posting an issue about TiVo Desktop, when I am about to start TiVo Desktop an error message appeared, it tells me that the service cannot start, please see below the screen shot of the error message.
Could not start the TiVo Beacon service on Local Computer.
Error 1359: An internal error occurred.
What I did before I encountered this error message is, I upgraded TiVo Desktop from version 2.2 to 2.3, after which this error message appeared, I restarted my computer to refresh its memory, I even re installed TiVo Desktop, but same thing happens, I could no longer figure out what to do next, please help me with my post, thanks people for reading my post.
Could not start the TiVo Beacon service on Local Computer.
Could not start the TiVo Beacon service on Local Computer.
Error 1359: An internal error occurred.
Problem above usually happened. Once this kind of problem occurred, what we usually do is uninstalling the program, reinstall and rebooting until it works normally and free from error. Sometimes it work but mostly still goes the same way.
As I found out, Galleon caused this problem. Galleon is a media server for Tivo but Tivo Beacon service should run first before Galleon. To check if Galleon is the problem, follow the instruction below:
Run command. Go to START —> RUN —> Type services.msc —> Then ENTER.
As seen below, look for GALLEON in Services. If not found then this is not the problem. But if Galleon is there, you need to STOP by doing the right click and choose STOP. Then Look for TIVO and START it.
This problem could be resolved in two ways. Some do the registry change but for those not used to it may do the other way which is to manually start Galleon service.
Steps to resolve without registry editing:
START / RUN/ services.msc / look for Galleon then right choose MANUAL OK RESTART PC
you have to this steps every time you start your pc.
START/ RUN / TYPE net start galleon / OK.
To resolve this problem permanently, you need to do registry modification. But needs to be careful because it might create a bad consequence.
Steps to edit the registry for the Galleon/Tivo:
START/ RUN / type regedit / click OK (window of Registry Editor appears) / click MY COMPUTER to open / click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENT CONTROL SET/ SERVICES / look for GALLEON (right click on it) / move mouse to NEW (left click on Multi String Value / Type DependOnService (double click on the right).
In the VALUE DATA type TivoBeacon2 / OK / REBOOT.