Could You Guys Help Me To Solve My 0x000000ab Windows 7 Error?

Hi! I was using my pc when suddenly; I came across this 0x000000ab windows 7 error message while starting my computer. Can anyone tell me what could have caused it and how to fix it?

Hi! I was using my pc when suddenly; I came across this 0x000000ab windows 7 error message while starting my computer. Can anyone tell me what could have caused it and how to fix it?
A) The 0x000000ab windows 7 errors caused when the defective drivers in your system are not able to get free from the memory of your PC when the session ended and could have caused the system memory leak error. As a result, you see this error on your screen. To fix it, you need to download and apply specific hotfix related to this kind of error on Microsoft’s official website, and your problem will be solved.
B) The 0x000000ab windows 7 error caused when the defective drivers in your system are not able to get free from the memory of your PC when the session ended and could have caused the system memory leak error. As a result, you see this error on your screen. To fix it, you need to restore your system from the restore point from the safe mode menu, and your problem will be solved.