Count the total of my overall sales in data report

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I want to calculate the total of my overall sales in my datareport using visual basic 6.0 but I don't know how to code that.

This is an example of the display that appears in my datareport.

customer name    product name  quantity      price              total

John Doe                    soap         5          5.00USD      20.00USD

Allen Smith             shampoo        2           7.00USD      14.00USD


                                                                                     Total Sales: ??????

How can I code the total sale in datareport using vb6.0?

Answered By 5 points N/A #102357

Count the total of my overall sales in data report


Hi Mia,

You can add another table in your database that tracks the total sales. This table could have only one column in it due to the fact the there is only one row for the total sales in your datareport. Next thing you'll do it so attached it in the footer section as the datasource of your datareport.

This is the only way that I can think of due to the fact that we can't put computed values on the datareport unless it's coming from the database.

I can imagine that the table I suggested to you can only have one row of data and will just change over time as you create your reports.

I hope it helps.

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