Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 09/04/2011
Hi Friends,
I am facing a problem in creating a Linked Server. I explained my work in steps, for ease to find a solution.
1: Expand Security Node;
2: Right Click Linked Server Node;
3: In General Tab, Provide Name for Linked Server: MYLS;
4: Click Other Data Sources option;
5: Select Provider: Oracle Provider for OLE DB;
6: Product Name: Provide ORCL (Service Name of Oracle that I kept during installation);
7: Data Source: ORCL;
8: Provider String: Provider=MSDAORA.1; Password=tiger; User ID=scott; Data Source=ORCL; Persist Security Info=True;
9: Click OK, Expand MYSL Node, click Table/View Option then it reports following error “Error 7399: OLE DB provider ‘OraOLEDB.Oracle’ reported an error”.
SQL Server Enterprise Manager
Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' reported an error.
Creating Linked Server in SQL Server reports an Error
Hello Dear friend,
I miss some information about your problem but I guess from the picture that you are trying to create a linked server from Microsoft SQL server to an Oracle server, or Oracle database. I guessed also, that you are using Microsoft SQL server 2000 that according to my experience, with the GUI for Microsoft SQL server.
I searched the Internet to find a document or a trusted solution for you, as I hate to waste time with solutions, that cause further errors than fixing an existing error. For this reason, I found that using a solution provided by Microsoft is more helpful.
So here is a link to the solution: solution here
I hope it can help you.
Answered By
0 points
Creating Linked Server in SQL Server reports an Error
Dear friend,
I don't have any information about your problem. I searched the Internet to find a document for you.So I found that using a solution provided by Microsoft is more helpful.
I hope this link is the solution : solution here
Trustful friend,