I want to learn the basic instructions or codes in HTML and HTML5. Can you show me what is the use of background options in html? In creating my first web page, what are the things I need to remember and understand? What are the main scripts or codes that I need to use in creating web pages? Can you teach me how to display messages? How to change the font sizes? How to add title bar captions? In adding pictures, how can I resize it? Please provide me explanations here. Thank you!
Creating my firs web page and run or publish it
Hello Jessica!
It is simple to create a web page. Let’s start from scratch creating a web without any contents. You juts need to follow the codes below.
Here are the tags we need to use.
There are three pair tags needed to create a web page. Open your notepad. Type the pair tags <html>…</html>, and inside this type <head>…</head> and <body>…</body> respectively.
The html pair tags are used to create web page, the head pair tags is used to encapsulate titles, and the body tags will be for the main content of the web page. To display messages, title and images, please follow the codes below. To create a web page go to >> File >> Save as >> don’t change anything just type “PAGE1.html” and click “Save” button. Better to save it in your desktop so it is easy for you to locate the web page and launch it. Bar captions were added by inserting title tags in head portion.
<title>by: JOHN HART</title>
<font size=20>HELLO! THIS IS OUR FIRST WEB PAGE!</font> <br> <br>
<img src="C:Userscomputer_workDesktopweb-page-first-image-sample.jpg" width="300" height="300">
Inside body you can just type any message but without by enclosing it with <font size?></font> tags. <br> tag is used in this to go to next line. The tag <img src=”file location”> is used to insert image in your html page. You just need to specify the exact location of the picture in your computer.