In formatting, usually the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is partitioned. But possibly, if you just want one storage for all of your files, you don't need to create any extra partition. Commonly, 2 partitions are created: Drive C and Drive D. Would it be possible or okay if 3 or more partitions will be created?
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Creating Partitions in Windows XP Setup
Yes, it is possible to have two or more partitions as long as you have alloted the minimum disk space
requirement for Drive C or Partition 1. If you have a large hard disk volume, you may create two or more
partitions. The example hard disk sizes or volume available in the market are 1 TB, 500GB, 350GB,
250GB, and 180GB.
I think the main purpose of having many partitions is to separate your files by categories like document files,
email files, movies files, music files, and photos. Doing this may maximize the use of the other available
partitions of your computer.
Creating Partitions in Windows XP Setup
Hello Dear,
It depends up to you that how many partitions you want to create, but you have to make the first "C" partition the primary partition, and the others should be logical.
Give at least 10 GB of space to the "C" drive if you want to install Windows XP.
Outer space can be divided into many partitions as you desire.
You are not limited to two or three partitions.
You can do as many as you desire. Thanks.