I purchased two Linksys RV042 that is capable of creating gateway to gateway connection so I can fuse our two offices and use the Software's on our server. The Tunnel is connected but we can't use the software.
Is it due to my two routers network address of or Something else?
Help is highly appreciated.
Thanks TechyV!
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Creating a VPN tunnel (router to Router) using RV042
Each TCP/IP host is identified by an IP address. The IP address is a network layer address and it doesn’t depend on Data-Link layer address (such as a MAC or Physical address of a network adapter). A unique IP address is required for each component or client that is using TCP/IP.
Like an address of a street identifies a house in a block similarly IP identifies system location on a network. An IP address should have uniform format and it must be unique globally.
So you should have unique IP addresses for both of your router, so that data won’t conflict between them. You can change your router’s IP address on network by logging in into your router.