Creation Master 12 unhandled exception has occurred

Hello there,
I have this error in Creation Master 12 only in FIFA 13 and if I click Continue it skips some files and it appears again. I don’t know what could be the problem and what is causing it because on FIFA 12 it worked just fine and I could finish the project. Does anyone have a solution for this error? What could cause this error in FIFA 13? Thank you!

Creation Master 12
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit the application will close immediately.
The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoded characters.
Encoding “Unicode (UTF-8)/fallback
Parameter name: chars.
Details Continue Quit
See the end of this message for details on invoking.
Just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
****Exception Text****
SystemArgumentException: The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoder
Parameter name: chars
At System.Text.Encoding.ThrowCharsOverflow()
At System.Text.Encoding.ThrowCharsOverflow(DecoderNLS decoder. Boolean not)
At System.Text.UTF8Encoding,GetChars(Byte”bytes.Int32byteCount.Char”chars”
At System.Text.DecoderNLS.GetChars(Byte”bytes.Int32byteCOunt.Char”chars”