CRM Software recommendations, Need help

I am trying to find the best CRM software out there. I do not like TP, not because I can't use it but because it does not work with my MLS

I am trying to find the best CRM software out there. I do not like TP, not because I can't use it but because it does not work with my MLS
The query you have placed is very hard to answer. There are multiple CRM software's available, and to choose between them, you have to first prepare the feasibility and requirement as to what you need in your software.
To start with, if you want a thin client (web based) software where No installation is needed do check a software called “Less Annoying CRM” available at here
A list of most commonly used CRM software's is provided below for your information: along with its reviews URL.
2. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Review on
3. eSalesTrack Solutions Review on
Do your research based on the reviews.
You try the CRM-Express Professional software for your MLS company. It provide Contact, eSales and eMarketing Manager. For your MLS I think it will be the best software. Because it runs in Windows, Linux or Mac users, so there will be no problem to install. You can also handle sassily Automation of administrative tasks.