Good day!
I have just updated Cydia and now I am receiving an error that is allowing me to still use it but is annoying because it pops up every time I open Cydia. How do I fix this?
Error: Refreshing Data
Failed to fetch Bad URL
Failed to fetch 2 Bad URL
Failed to fetch Bad URL
Some index files failed to.
Cydia, Error: Refreshing Data; failed to fetch bad URLs
Hi Good day Nicole
Here are the steps to fix your Bad URLs problem
To do this you need iFile installed to your IPhone once installed go to private/var/lib/apt/list you need to delete the URL of what error message you’re getting
Next need to go back again private/etc/apt/source.list.d/ open cydia.list open Text Viewer edit then delete the line of URL your getting the error message once your finish open your MAC/PC
For MAC user you need to download this
PlistEdit Pro for Mac
CyberDuck Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV & cloud storage browser for Mac Windows
You also need openssh installed to your IPhone,
Open CyberDuck Open Connection
Select SFTP (File Transfer Protocol) write down your iPhone IP port 22
to get the IP of your iPhone you need to go setting > WiFi there you can check your ip address
Username root
Password alpine “if you haven’t changed the password”
It will ask you if it ok to connect to the device click allow
Go to /private/var/lib/cydia copy the metadata.plist
Open PlistEditPro open the metadata.plist once open click sources locate the URL your getting the error and delete, Once you delete it click File then save close it
Open CyberDuck just drag the metadata.plist to /private/var/lib/cydia it will ask you if it’s ok to overwrite click continue that’s it
For PC user you need to download this
WinSCP 5.2.3 beta released
PlistEditor iPodRobot
Open winSCP and connect to your IPhone
To get the IP of your IPhone you need to go setting > Wi-Fi there you can check your IP address
Host name
Port 22
Username root
Password alpine “if you haven’t changed the password”
Click login once you login to go /private/var/lib/cydia click metadata.plist copy/drag to your desktop
Open PlistEditor for Windows
File/open/desktop locate file metadata.plist
Click Edit/Find type down all the urls you have getting the error you need to delete the whole line
From highlight the whole line
<key>deb:http://url error message/</key>
Up to the
One whole line only Back space then click File/save
Open winSCP again go to the /private/var/lib/cydia copy the metadata.plist overwrite the file
Cydia, Error: Refreshing Data; failed to fetch bad URLs
in Cydia go to sources tap edit and swipe to delete the source and this should fix the problem.
If you still want the Cydia source use
mobilecinema is used to allow ios devices to play some flash content, although nowadays most of the websites are ios compatible and this Cydia tweak may be skipped.
I hope this helps
Thank you.