I'm sure there's more than likely a thread for this, but I've googled all night and nothing helped me. I'm at a loss here. I'm running windows 7 32bit,whenever I try to add a virtual drive it starts off normal,but then says "unable to add virtual drive" WindowsFixIt or whatever it was called,did not fix it. Any suggestions would be lovely,I used to run Daemon Tools lite on windows XP smoothly before I reformatted. I don't want to use a different program as Daemon Tools is what I know . help!
Daemon Tools lite unable to add a Virtual Drive
Yes, you are right, DAEMON Tools is a great program to use so you can add a virtual drive on your computer and I also use it on my PC. If you are using DAEMON Tools Lite on your previous operating system, Microsoft Windows XP, and it is working then I guess you should be updating to the latest version since you are now using Microsoft Windows 7.
The latest version supports Windows 7 that’s why you shouldn’t have any problem installing it. To download the latest version, visit DAEMON Tools Lite 4.49.1. It supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. This is the lite version so it is free for home and non-commercial use.
It allows you to install or create up to 4 virtual drives on your computer. Or, you can also update your operating system to make sure there will no problem. Download and install Windows 7 Service Pack 1. This is currently the latest Service Pack for Microsoft Windows 7.