Data Input Error issue help

Asked By 1240 points N/A Posted on -


After I inputted a data in the database this error occurred as follows:

This happens when I entered a long address input in the database that has alpha numeric entry, by the way this is a new database that was recently created. I have other database that runs smoothly when I entered alpha numeric data. Should I compare the settings of the other database? That accepts alpha numeric input. I am also thinking, if I will just restore the blank database of the other database and eliminate this database that will accept alpha numeric.

If you have some quick solutions on my query or you also experience same as what I have, please do share some ideas.



ERROR: Invalid data was entered. Please specify another value.

Answered By 0 points N/A #125015

Data Input Error issue help


Hello there Ballynost!

Always remember these tricks to avoid getting "Invalid Data" when entering values on SAS

1. Specify a dollar sign ($) for character variables

2. Use a period (.) to indicate a missing value. This is possible when you are not using any column locations.

3. In case that you use specific column location for your variables, check if it matches with your data. Check also if there are hidden tabs. SAS reads tab as space and it will make your column specifications worthless.

The above tricks apply to all values you enter. Even for long address input and alpha numeric entry like you specified. Kindly check it against the tricks and get back if you still encounter the problem.


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