The Dawn Of The Red
Many of iPhone 6 users have faced an outright problem straight out of the boxes. After using the phone for some time, the screen goes red and often it has been seen to flicker. What can be the solutions to this problem?
Many of iPhone 6 users have faced an outright problem straight out of the boxes. After using the phone for some time, the screen goes red and often it has been seen to flicker. What can be the solutions to this problem?
If you do not want to take your prized iPhone to an apple repair center right away you may try the following:
a) When the red screen comes up, press the home button and hold it for a few seconds. Apple logo would appear and the phone would restart.
b) If the phone restarts without red screen again it may be a software issue.
As per reports often corrupted backup induces these changes in the UI. If so this problem can be solved by an update. Just press the home button and plug in your iphone to your laptop.
Ensure you have usb debugging on. Follow restore procedure of your iphone through itunes on your computer. If the above does not solve the problem you would have to take your phone to a support center to check for hardware issues.